Top 3 ERP Features for 2016

With a new year comes new ERP software updates. New and interesting ERP features are being rolled out with all the fanfare that you would expect. These features are going to take the software to a new level.

Something to keep in mind if you are planning on purchasing a new ERP software platform or upgrading an existing ERP. Here are the top 3 that we think you’ll be able to derive the most benefit from:

1. Mobile Integration – A necessity when it comes to ERP Features

In 2014, for the first time, mobile usage beat out PC usage, which was a huge milestone. Looking forward, there are some who say that the only computing device you’ll need will be a smartphone. While this might seem like a stretch, there’s no denying that if you don’t have a mobile app, you are already behind the standard, and will have to struggle to keep up with the rest of the field. Luckily, sensing this, ERP players have jumped on the mobile bandwagon and are developing mobile apps quickly. And now, in 2016, it’s not just one of many convenient ERP features, it’s one of many essential ERP features


2. Cloud Storage – A slow transition beginning now

While an on-site ERP system won’t be disappearing anytime soon, a recent study said that within 2 years, at least, 30% of service related companies will move their ERP systems to the cloud. Initially, this seems like a small number but when you think about it, 30% isn’t small peanuts at all. While it’s unlikely that ERP will make the transition to the cloud instantly, it’s definitely something that is in the making, and is something to watch out for because the groundwork is already being laid as early as 2016. All signs are pointing towards 2016 being the year that the transition starts moving towards the cloud. It’s definitely something to keep an eye out for and think about.

3. Safe and Secure – At the end of the day, it’s all about security

We’ve read about a large number of security breaches in the past year. A security breach puts your company at risk in so many ways, and the company doesn’t rebound instantly the second the breach gets fixed. The company’s reputation can be damaged for years after the breach itself. What’s the best way for you to avoid having to deal with the fallout of a security breach? Avoid one altogether. ERP systems are incorporating security audits and risk management systems which will allow users to breathe easy when thinking about security. Expect 2016 to be a year that’s even tougher on security than the one that preceded it.

In 2016, ERP is changing and evolving and improving with the world around it. These were some of our favorite new features in ERP systems, but who knows? You and your company might have a totally different one. Needless to say, with all the features being rolled out in 2016, there are a pretty large handful to choose from! Enjoy sorting through all the different, new, flashy ERP systems that are available to you this year.


Marissa Hart is the Lead Author & Editor of ERPeople. ERPeople is a blog focused on all Enterprise Resource Planning business management platforms. ERP can be used by a company to collect, store, manage, and interpret data from many business activities, including: Product planning, cost, manufacturing or service delivery, marketing, and sales.